The Official Thousandth Post

Well hot damn. Mike Chen thought he had hit the benchmark a week and a half ago, but this is officially Battle of California's 1,000th post. Thanks and congrats to Mike, PJ, James, Rudy, and Cheechew for all their contributions, and all the lost souls on the internet who have stopped by.
I wonder what the future holds for the next thousand posts. Predictions / suggestions are welcome.
Congrats from Detroit on the big 1000. I've been reading the BOC since last years playoffs.
Looking forward (hopefully) to reading all the kind words one of you will be posting about the Wings and their fans in a couple more weeks....
Congrats, BoC!
Keep up the great work guys!
Thanks and congrats to Mike, PJ, James, Rudy, and Cheechew for all their contributions
You've left out one of the chief characters...
Samwise the Brave. Frodo wouldn't have gotten far without Sam.
More Sharks bloggers! I think we need about 6 to even out the Rudy-Earl balance of power.
You know, it'd be nice if sometime over the next 1000 posts, we actually get a BoC series!
Congratulations, BoC guys!
That's awesome! Congratulations! All of you might have made me laugh close to a 1000 times.
You know, it'd be nice if sometime over the next 1000 posts, we actually get a BoC series!
Now now. Let's not get crazy.
A BoC series is our version of Wally World. While it seems like it would be a blast, the real fun is in never getting there.
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