Takes and trash talk from both ALL sides of the NHL's most obscure PATHETIC* rivalry

* Thanks, Kevin Lowe!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

If you need a break from the Battle...

There's a ton of great blogs out there and BoC is certainly one of them. But after posting here (and facing the existential crisis of: does anyone want to read about the Stars?) I would often get the itch to talk about the NHL as a whole.

So, after coming up with some silly gimmicks I decided to roll out a blog that (hopefully) will be a celebration of the hockey blogosphere: Cycle like the Sedins.

Please keep in mind it's still a bit of a work in progress, as I expect it to be considerably "prettier." Aside from shameless self-promotion, there are two other reasons I want to bring this to your attention:

  1. There will still be some posts relevant to the BoC - and get this - there might be some familiar faces on the blog! We've already had a Earl Sleek sighting and expect to see Rudy Kelly at some point.
  2. The blog is designed to include commentary from all kinds of sources, so it's quite possible that your ideas and thoughts could see the light of day.
So I'd love for you kind folks to take a look at the blog. As the season goes along, I'll plug posts that are particularly BoC-relevant and try to resist being excessive.

Sleek's hockey orphan: Anaheim Ducks

My take on the Ducks

My list of stupid predictions, which includes a certain BoC team raising the Cup

Finally, all you bloggers out there, I have a section called "Hockey orphan" and my goal is to get as many bloggers involved as humanly possible. Let's get the whole dysfunctional hockey family together for this.



brokeyard said...

While we're on the subject of shameless promotion, does anyone want to join an established NHL Fantasy League? If so please let me know. Three people in my league left so there are three openings.

Funnily enough, I came with the intent of shamelessly promoting the league, only to find that shameless promotion was the subject of the newest post.

Kirsten said...

What do you want us bloggers to do with that section?

jamestobrien said...

Send me an e-mail with your entry. Also feel free to write about teams outside of your "area of expertise."

E-mail: jamestobrien@hotmail.com