Stoll Signs 4-Year Deal
Deal: 4 years, $3.6 million/year (or $100,000 for every point he scored last year)
Dean Lombardi loves injured guys. First it was Alyn McCauley and Dan Cloutier, then Michal Handzus, and now Jarret Stoll. The hope is that you pay the player less than what he would have normally made if had been healthy the season prior and then reap the benefits when he rounds into form. So far that hasn't quite worked out for the Kings: McCauley played only 10 games and then had to retire because of a knee injury, Cloutier was the 11th plague, and Handzus was terrible last year. I guess Lombardi is hoping fourth time's a charm.
The deal boils down like this: if Stoll plays like he did in 2005-06 and get somewhere around 60 points a season over the life of the deal, it's a steal. If he plays like he did last year, slow and tentative, then the Kings will have over $7 million dollars invested in their bottom line centers. It's a risk, and one that I'd normally tip my hat to, but the Kings have already been burned by this gambit a few times before. I'm wary of investing this much money into someone before there is proof he's fully rehabilitated. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Right now, though, I'm nonplussed.

Oh, and is anyone concerned that Stoll now has a multi-million dollar deal to go with his model fiance and an lavish LA lifestyle? And that he went to New Zealand in August instead of, you know, training? I'm not encouraged.
Dean Lombardi loves injured guys. First it was Alyn McCauley and Dan Cloutier, then Michal Handzus, and now Jarret Stoll. The hope is that you pay the player less than what he would have normally made if had been healthy the season prior and then reap the benefits when he rounds into form. So far that hasn't quite worked out for the Kings: McCauley played only 10 games and then had to retire because of a knee injury, Cloutier was the 11th plague, and Handzus was terrible last year. I guess Lombardi is hoping fourth time's a charm.
The deal boils down like this: if Stoll plays like he did in 2005-06 and get somewhere around 60 points a season over the life of the deal, it's a steal. If he plays like he did last year, slow and tentative, then the Kings will have over $7 million dollars invested in their bottom line centers. It's a risk, and one that I'd normally tip my hat to, but the Kings have already been burned by this gambit a few times before. I'm wary of investing this much money into someone before there is proof he's fully rehabilitated. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Right now, though, I'm nonplussed.

Oh, and is anyone concerned that Stoll now has a multi-million dollar deal to go with his model fiance and an lavish LA lifestyle? And that he went to New Zealand in August instead of, you know, training? I'm not encouraged.
It's actually not the worst idea going for guys coming off bad years, but for every Selanne-in-the-rough there's plenty of guys who are willing to stay bad.
I'd criticize Lombardi a bit, though, as I don't see any of these off-injury guys as getting any noticeable discount. He's still paying them pretty big bucks in the hopes that they'll recover -- not the more ideal strategy of finding guys you pay pennies and then there's only big wins and little losses.
I didn't watch much of Stoll at all last year (I don't even know how many games the guy played), so maybe it's a different situation -- I don't know. But yeah, it sounds like the Lombardi gambles of the near past -- not enough discount to really win these gambles.
I use the same strategy in my fantasy drafts. The good thing about this time is that Stoll came with Greene, so at least it wouldn't be a complete wash if he sucks. The other difference between Stoll and the other 3 is that he is still young, so he has more opportunity to improve/heal.
Yeah, that is one good thing about this signing: it covers Stoll's career from age 26 to 30, so the Kings get his entire peak. Then they can cast him aside for someone better.
I'm always nervous about head injuries. Especially since he had two concussions close together. Many a player has never been the same after getting hit over the head too hard even once.
none hockey related, but is he really engaged to Rachel Hunter now? She really has a thing for younger hockey players, doesn't.
And to keep this hockey related, I agree with Kirsten: two concussions back to back like he had is a bit scary. He could be fine, and as a fellow human being I hope he is going to be perfectly ok, but a 4 year commitment is risky
I'm relieved they finally signed him. I was a bit concerned, with camp opening soon, that both Stoll and O'Sullivan, our two RFAs, would enter without contracts. Now, getting O'Sullivan under contract is our key priority.
Although I'm also keeping an eye on Mathieu Schnieder. If it comes down to which one the Kings would get if only one-- Schnieder or Khabibulin-- I would take Mathieu. Does anybody know anything about these rumors? I know the Ducks wanna dump Mathieu because it's really their only way of getting Selanne. We saw it last season when they were forced to trade McDonald to St. Louis so Niedermayer could sign.
This isn't inside knowledge or anything, but I imagine Burke is trying to trade Schneider to LA because that's where Mathieu wants to go.
I would take Schneider over Khabibulin, but then again I'd also take Labarbera over Khabibulin.
Does anybody know anything about these rumors?
Honestly, I haven't even scoured the web very much. Most of what I read about Schneider-to-L.A. has actually come from me or Rudy.
But it makes so much sense it hurts! Do it, Lomburkie!
well, after my bitter disappointment, i'll just say that why did he have to overpay a guy who had a poor season in 07-08? I think Stoll is capable of helping this club (sorry, franchise) but what if it tears him down playing here like its torn down so many before? If he's not helping, he's now untradeable, too. Much like the bungled FA signings, Stoll will be a barometer for Lumbo's success. Or, can we start calling him Mr. Bungle?
I definitely think we should start calling Dean Lombardi "Mr. Bungle."
Well, I know when I trade for a guy who was last effective immediately before Sami Pahlsson used his head to try to batter down the end boards, I like to pay him almost twice what he made the previous season. You know, shits and giggles.
If Murray uses him as a checker, to shield the kids, I'm going to laugh so hard.
It was a cost of living increase. LA's expensive.
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