Among the things you’ll never be able to “un-see”
Rudy’s away on his “get pissed at nature” outing, so I guess it’s up to me to pass along this rare behind-the-scenes glimpse of some of the Kings’, uh, equipment.
Isn't Battle of California above this sort of junior-high-level immaturity? Not on Fridays!
Way to go, Dustin.
A silly thanks to Alanah at Canucks and Beyond for sending over the link. Take it away, commenters!
Om, whoa. That's, um, interesting. I was expecting some vague reference or innuendo. I was not expecting actual pecker.
Is Armstrong wearing eyeliner? The Kings locker room sure is a, um, place of "freedom."
Freedom ain't free, but apparently peep shows are.
Armstrong was in that video?
And so it begins ... BoC becomes a one-stop source for Kings, Ducks and Sharks news, rumors and softcore porn.
Yeah, well at least I abided by Alanah's request in her e-mail:
Glad you can use that video. I sorta figured it might be a good laugh for your readers. But just do me a favour: Don’t make a cartoon representation of it!
You betcha.
I watched the video, didn't notice anything, looked at the comments, wondered what the hell everyone was talking about, re-read title of post, re-watched video.
And it was hilarious.
Should Dustin Brown's nickname be "Baby Arm?" I think so.
Also, I guess Derek Armstrong moonlights as the lead singer of Atreyu.
Armstrong was in that video?
Also, I think it's awesome that Alanah found a clip of Dustin Brown showing his dick and thought, "Hmm, this seems like something Earl Sleek would want to see."
wow Rudy, thats harsh!
The best part of the whole vid is that you call tell the video camera operator saw what happened. He jerked to the left right after
What's the big deal? Hasn't everyone seen what else Dustin has to bring to the Kings?
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