Moments in Archaeology: Sleek digs up a Relic
In the process of moving, I’ve had a chance to go through some of my old piles of junk, and as is usually the case in such undertakings, I have uncovered some real gems from the kid who would grow up to become Earl Sleek. Back before I had an internet alias or a blog to write on, I was still an emerging hockey nerd with a creative streak. Exhibit #1:

Medium: Ball-point pen on paper
Featuring top to bottom: Guy Hebert, Travis Green, Teemu Selanne, Marty McInnis, Stu Grimson, Paul Kariya, Fredrik Olausson, Steve Rucchin, Ruslan Salei, and Matt Cullen
Drawn: It wasn’t dated, but based on the players included I’d have to say 1998-99.
It's actually an impressive piece of work, something I'm not sure I'd have the patience to sit down and attempt these days. Also noteworthy: this had to be pretty soon after I became a hockey fan at all. Anyway, I got a real nostalgic kick out of finding this relic from my fan-girl past, and I figured long-time Ducks fans might enjoy it as well. I've got a few more deep-closet relics to share next week as well, but I think this one is the oldest and most impressive.
Just to keep this post interactive: Which non-Finnish player featured in this picture would fit best on the current Ducks roster? For this exercise, I am talking about the 1999 version of the player, not whatever washed-up version we'd see today.
Go Mighty Ducks.
Awesome! Those were the days. Your missing one of my favorites. Where's Karpa?
Sadly, by then Karpa was a Carolina Hurricane (don't worry, I had to look that up).
It was a glorious time, though, as this was from the year where Kariya-Selanne-Rucchin-McInnis-Olausson formed the best PP unit in the league.
Funny how as you've gotten older your drawings have become more juvenile.
Funny how as you've gotten older your drawings have become more juvenile.
Heh, yeah, but I think it's a good progression. Perhaps Gary Larson as a kid drew very realistic-looking farm animals.
Which non-Finnish player featured in this picture would fit best on the current Ducks roster?
I'm going with Freddie Olausson, although a '99 Rooch would be nice as well.
I'm going with Freddie Olausson, although a '99 Rooch would be nice as well.
Nice call, especially considering Schneider is likely on his way out. Freddy O. was one of my favorites.
Perhaps, though, with the need for a second-line winger, I might consider McInnis a decent fill-in.
And yes, I could always find a spot for Roochie.
Compositionally, very weak!
Compositionally, very weak!
Careful there. I was very sensitive to criticism in the 90s. I'll have to invent a time machine and give myself a future-insult-comfort hug.
Alternative response: Sentence structure, could use some work!
"Sentence fragment" is also a sentence fragment!
My word verification was PASNPTY, which seems very appropriate.
My word verification was PASNPTY, which seems very appropriate.
Yeah, it took a lot of programming work, but we have found a way to personalize comment word verification to each unique user.
If your word verification appears to be nonsense, that's because you're too complicated!
PASNPTY, by the way, is the shorthand version of "Pahlsson Party", where I'll be celebrating an extension to the Swede's contract.
Fan-girl past? Something you're not telling us, "Earl"?
Also, there's no comma in "Sentence structure, could use some work!"
I dunno, I don't remember the year too well, but I'd guess '99 Kariya would kick some serious ass.
Anyway, I got a real nostalgic kick out of finding this relic from my fan-girl past
So the truth comes out.
I think the logo in your sketch looks a little meaner than the actual logo does, actually.
Fan-girl past? Something you're not telling us, "Earl"?
Uh, that I'm not very good at telling jokes?
Yeah, I just sorta meant that I used to draw fawnier pictures; nowadays I'm much more cynical about everything.
I know. Lame and sexist, quite a twist.
Anaheim Mighty Ducks...
or Mouth Breathers?
Those are some pretty damn spot-on doodles, Sleek, did you use trading cards or just the eternal flame of your fandom to guide you to such fine artistry?
You should see the gawd-awful doodles I produce to this day. I'm very jealous.
(Does anyone NOT like Fred O? Or good old Guy Hebert?
I was on that "don't let the Mickey Mouse Ducks win a Cup" bandwagon with the other Disney bashers a few years ago, but I think seeing that logo again here and at Icethestics might make me re-think that stance.
Perhaps you just need a new slogan: "Bring back the Quack..."?
If there's a pun hell I'm on the bottom floor.)
Uh, that I'm not very good at telling jokes?
Nor am I, apparently.
HOLY CHRIST I love it.
I would be honored to wear a Cafe Pressed T-shirt of that!
Sleek, did you use trading cards or just the eternal flame of your fandom to guide you to such fine artistry?
They weren't trading cards, but I definitely had source material that I was eyeballing from. I don't know if I am drawn to open-mouthed pictures, or that's what's available, but my roommate said something similar to your "mouth breathers" comment.
I would be honored to wear a Cafe Pressed T-shirt of that!
On my list for Pensblog submission.
And look out, world! Sleek's Irvine digs just got internet!
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