BoC Gameday—Earl and Rudy sound like idiots; Brad May acts like one
San Jose Sharks (46-21-10, 2nd in west) at Anaheim Ducks (44-26-8, 3rd in west)
I had a lot of fun Wednesday at the Kings game with Rudy, so much so that I've decided to go back to the Honda Center tonight for some more BoC fun, this time at the expense of the San Jose Sharks. I won't be in the same seats, but will be sporting the green shirt in 224 row R, thanks to a Red Wing buddy of mine who I suppose is advance-scouting the western competition. Stop by and say hi, if you dare.
It's a little bit lame that the Sharks have kept so far ahead in the Pacific race to end this season (the Ducks last year made it sporting and didn't clinch the Pacific until the final day last year), but I guess it works out for me and my alcohol-tempered stress levels. If the teams were neck-and-neck, I'd probably worry too much about the outcome, but as it stands, I don't think any game development will bother me particularly tonight. J.S. Giguere claims he's ready to play (somebody's feeling the Hiller pressure), but we'll see what Carlyle does. Part of me still wants to see a game out of J.S. Aubin.
Anyway, as part of our Kings-Ducks ultimate blogger experience, Rudy and I contributed (and I'm using that term in its loosest sense) to Finny & Connie's "I'm Not a Puck Bunny" podcast, speaking into some mystifying modern technology wired into an upside-down phone. Finny gave me the code to paste for the audio below—give it a listen (fair warning: if you're listening strictly for Earl and Rudy, we don't show up until the late 36-minute mark). She was also very apologetic that my closing "Heil Hiller" comment disappeared somewhere in the transfer process, but that's probably for the best. I've taken enough European heat (rightly so) for my Hiller/Hitler jokes in the past.
See if you can find the spot where I say "Oh, if it goes to a shootout, I guarantee the Kings win."
ON ANOTHER NOTE: Not often do readers comment on old posts, and I'm not normally one to direct attention when it happens, but the following was left on a nearly-year-old Brad May-bashing post last night, and it's too juicy not to share:
"I'm a lawyer in Phoenix trying to collect a judgment my client obtained against the 'gutless puke of a thug' Brad May when May, drunk, punched my client, a uniformed sheriff's deputy, at a Scottsdale, Arizona nightclub, in 2002.Wow. I don't really know anything about players' living or golfing habits, but I figure somebody might be able to help this guy out with some info, if you think it's a legit request. I will say it certainly sounds like a plausible story, but I've softened a lot on "Mayday" since that angry post, simply because he is one of the best Ducks in front of a microphone, as I shockingly learned on the championship DVD. I'm a sucker for player personality, and May's got it in spades. Still, Canadian residency is a lame excuse for punching then stiffing a cop (though I must say, I didn't know you could make $30k just by being punched).
May is dodging the judgment (only about $30,000), and claims to be a resident of Canada. Does anybody know if he actually lives in Anaheim? Does he still do his golf tournament in Phoenix? Any information on May's "residency" would be most appreciated.
Dan Treon"

Mayday naysays payday.
So readers, what's your verdict? Guilty, or is it too suspect that evidence is being gathered in the comments of an 11-month-old BoC post? And if he is guilty, based on what little we know, what's a fair punishment?
Let's get this case settled BoC-style (lots of rhetoric and little substance).
Prediction: The last four Duck games have ended in 2-1 final scores, but I won't be swayed. Ducks 4, Sharks 2. (Insert goalie name here) has a stellar game; goals by Selanne, Bergeron, Pahlsson, and Mayday. Sleek manages to go a whole game without being interviewed or suckerpunched.
Go Ducks.
No evidence to support the lawyer's claim. Well, no evidence in hand, so it might as well not exist. Besides, it's his job to track him down. At least if he wants to get paid.
Off with his head for not being enough of a pest ON THE ICE lately. Though I think I might suspend his sentence for his ability to grow a spectacular, almost niedermeyaran playoff beard.
Yeah, sniffing for leads by posting comments in obsolete blog posts - that's the tradmark of a great legal mind. Gee, is that libel? Maybe Dan will figure it out given another six years.
You'd think a cop would be the last person on Earth to want to set the going rate for a punch at $30,000. Every police force in the world would be bankrupt by the end of this weekend.
Guy seems legit, but his website blows.
Run Brad May, RUN!!!
Off with his head for not being enough of a pest ON THE ICE lately. Though I think I might suspend his sentence for his ability to grow a spectacular, almost niedermeyaran playoff beard.
I will say this. With the Ducks-Stars a distinct first-round possibility, Brad May has done one thing well this year: consistently fighting Krys Barch. I think those may have been May's best moments of this year.
Every police force in the world would be bankrupt by the end of this weekend.
Still, if the cop manages to collect nothing, I'm going after some Mounties.
Run Brad May, RUN!!!
Ha! This is going to be fun.
he is one of the best Ducks in front of a microphone
I agree. Last year during the playoffs (I think) he was mic'd up and they played a clip of him talking to the refs joking around about he's the fastest skater on the team. It was quite hilarious and ever since then I've been a fan of him. But I'm still scared of Big Bert.
Since I'll be in enemy territory tonight, I'll try to stop by and say hi. Don't throw the beer at me until after I introduce myself.
And I think the reason May is dodging the $30k is because then he'd also be liable for the thing with the sheep and the non-dairy creamer.
I just saw the article...what utter carnival trash. I'm no fan of Crawford, but c'mon Bertuzzi, be a fucking man and own up to your actions. Unless Crow blackmailed Bert into doing it I don't see how Crow would be responsible. Just another reason why I can't stand Bertuzzi.
Well, let's hope that Crawford gets a better lawyer than Dan Treon. You know, a lawyer who doesn't look to anonymous hockey bloggers to do their legwork.
no clue of the claim or lawyer are legit, but I recall Brad May specifically telling us (the collect 'us' would be my girls and I) after last year's Cup rally that he was going to spend the summer back in Ontario, CAN w/ his family. If I'm not mistaken, for California residency anyway (I can't speak for the 49 other states), he'd have to live here for at least 1 year and 1 day. So, technically, I guess that makes him a CAN resident. :)
No clue about the golf tourney though. I try to avoid the green as much as humanly possible.
um, by 'of' in my first sentence, i mean 'if'
Attention all half-bit lawyers: Please check with Finny for all your fact-checking needs. She's the one talking to players, not me.
Still, I think these count as "billable hours".
I'm going to sue Marc Crawford for playing Lubo on the left side all year. I think I have a better case than Bertuzzi.
Are we going to get a percentage for doing all this legwork?
If so, somebody find May quick. He's paying for our first round.
I don't know how we're going to get any money out of Brad May, unless somebody's willing to take a punch from Mayday while standing on the Canada-U.S. border.
"I am also not a puckbunny?" I remain unconvinced :P
I would, except unfortunately there's no question which country I'm a resident of.
That is SO bizarre! I don't really doubt that Brad May punched the guy (I kind of still heart May though), but why on earth does the guy think this blog would have his exact whereabouts?
And god. I used to be a huge Bert fan, and have to admit I still have a tiny soft spot for him somehow, but this is getting ridiculous! As a Canucks fan, I'm pissed this still gets talked about all the time. Why can't they all just settle this like adults and stop acting like big babies?
but why on earth does the guy think this blog would have his exact whereabouts?
I figure that this guy just learned how to use an internet search engine, and had the (mis)fortune to end up on a really old post.
I'm actually kind of proud of the guy. I'm guessing it's his first blog comment ever.
Hee! He deserves a gold star!
BTW, complete side note:
For anyone interested in our little NCAA hoops bracket blog battle, I'm happy to report that we somehow pulled into the lead yesterday. All credit goes to Cheechew, though, as he filled out the whole bracket. My only talent was copying his picks into CBS Sportsline.
Way to go, Cheechew! Sorry about how things will turn out tonight for your Sharks, though. :)
I think Cheechew will get the last laugh! I know I personally enjoyed the outcome, though most of the people around me did not (and no, I was not one of the Sharks fans who started the Sharks cheer in the 3rd...though I can appreciate their zeal).
That must have been thrilling to be there and watch them win again over the ducks. I was so tempted to find a ticket on CL and fly down today.
It was hard not to smile every time I looked over at my buddy on our trip home...he's a Ducks fan. But since he's kind enough to take me to every game, I thought I'd be cool.
But it was sweet.
That lawyer is full of it.
Brad May is GOD!
I seen him helping an old lady across the street once. He has a heart of gold.
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