Jealous Impatience at the Battle of California

Yeah, between the cup finals in June and the September games in England, the Ducks might have the shortest offseason in the history of the NHL, but even so I'm starting to get itches of hockey withdrawal. Of course, I can just look to the other BoC teams and what jealousies they are having to endure, and that usually cheers me right up.
Sorry, fellas. But your glory day is coming, just sadly at an offseason snail's pace.
Does that shark only have 3 gills? Tsk, tsk.
HAHA! Pookie's got my back! Give that shark some gills Earl!
Pookie, I wasn't really courageous enough to shake up the Sharks logo to its core just yet. No love for de-oranging its eyes?
You think you're going through withdrawal? You've gone what, a month? I've gone like three. I'm reduced to watching my 92-93 season recap video and then turning it off with 5 minutes left.
I have to back Sleek up...I'm dying for some hockey!!!
It's eyes are orange... orange as HELL!
I do love the insousciant look in the duck's eyes. And Schnookie's right, the shark may not have the right number of gills (does "gills" have the right number of l's? Doesn't it look wrong? Gils looks equally wrong, too. Hm. I can't be bothered to look it up. Where was I? Oh right.) but it does have the perfect body language. If I were the Sharks, I'd adopt that as the main logo.
Wow, color! Now there's a concept. :P
Nice work, Earl.
I know what you mean completely man! I think starting my own blog has led me to become even more anxious than usual for the season to begin...
I'm trying to work on getting London tickets now and seeing about taking my vacation to Europe - that would be quite an experience to see the Ducks overseas.
Earl, I have to take issue with the "your glory day is coming" comment that was directed towards Sharks and Quee-- er, Kings fans.
Let's be honest. It's very possible that that day may never come, and I think it's cruel to give them hope. Compassion is the sign of a TRUE winner, you know.
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