Takes and trash talk from both ALL sides of the NHL's most obscure PATHETIC* rivalry
* Thanks, Kevin Lowe!

I'd give credit for this cartoon, but I don't remember where it came from. It's been sitting on my hard drive for four years, though, and still as appropriate as the day I first saved it.
Posted by
Earl Sleek
8:53 AM
Tags: Cartoons, Detroit Red Wings, Taunt
Acronyms can not describe the comedy in that...
You know what's different about the last round of the playoffs? Both teams will start playing golf around the same time.
The Ducks look like they'll be good caddys to the Sens.
Can we borrow Mickey Mouse from you Disney dorks next week? We're going to need plenty of brooms to welcome your team to Ottawa next weekend.
Oh, Sens fans, aren't you precious?
It's not that I blame them, OTT and ANA have played only once since the lockout, but Sens fans thus far act as if every Disney or Duck joke they make is (a) incredibly original and (b) incredibly funny.
Trust me, if you're trying to make fun of the team name, and you're starting with this stuff, you might as well stop. Unfortunately, you're about a dozen years late to that party, and consequently about a dozen years behind.
Are we really going to have a fan war with the Senators? I mean, sheesh. So far, I've never had a problem with that team or its fans.
In some ways, they should relate to the Ducks--the small city neighbor of the older team that thinks its better even though it ain't won shite in forever.
In case you are interested, "Thompson" is a cartoonist for the Detroit News
Thanks, mc keeper, that sounds like where I probably would have taken it from.
Hey, it's not fair to say the Kings haven't won shite in forever; we drafted Aki Berg, remember?
yoyo, Ben from Sens Army here. I'm enjoying your site. Go to my profile and send me an email if you want to do a little email interview thing. I did the same thing against a Jersey blog and it worked well.
Yeah, the cartoon pretty much summed up the previous three years of playoff experience for Detroit. It looks like they exorcised those demons this year though. Game 5 against the Ducks felt like a bit of a flashback, but really the Ducks won the series because they made fewer mistakes and out hustled the Wings in the end.
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